A blended family struggles with vastly different parenting styles
Before we came to BILY, our family was really hurting, both parents and children. We were worried because our teenagers were taking drugs, doing poorly in school and argumentative and obnoxious with us at home. They weren’t growing up into the intelligent successful happy kids we had envisioned ourselves having. We found ourselves in power struggles and arguments with them that just made matters worse. It created even more stress in our marriage because we couldn’t agree as parents on what to do turn things around. We have a blended family with children from prior relationships. We would each parent the children we brought into the relationship a different way and feel critical of how the other did it, even though neither style was working for us. The kids were confused by our vastly different parenting in the same house. Coordinating parenting with the “ex” was another stressor. We would sometimes undermine each household’s parenting efforts instead of supporting each other and teaching our children to respect the parents in each house. Things were getting worse instead of better, nobody was enjoying our family life, and we were worried about how our kids would turn out.
When we came to BILY, things changed so quickly . . .
We found a supportive environment where we could talk openly about our family’s problems and get real help. Each week, BILY helped us grow and learn how to manage our home life for both our kids and ourselves. They got us working together, encouraged us when we were discouraged, and celebrated with us as our home life improved. We learned how to bring peace back to our home and to help our children find their way to become their better selves.
Now our family is much different. We are all so much happier. The kids are turning their lives around with our help and we’re so proud of them and proud of ourselves. We are so glad we found BILY and grateful they’re helping our family.